A quick search online and this is what pops up:
There are many things to look forward to in September, depending on your interests and location. Here are some examples:
New books, music and TV shows from various genres and artists
Fashion trends and colours for the autumn season
Re-energising your plans and goals for the rest of the year
Outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, or visiting vineyards (well, maybe country estates in the UK?)
What are you most excited about?
But wait... hold on a minute! AI has missed something, haven't they?
What about expanding on that third bullet point above and flipping the fourth to Indoor activities?
Can you believe we have just 4 more months of 2023? As I sit at my sun-drenched desk looking out over a blissful Summer's day, it's hard to believe that Christmas bells are already beginning to chime in the imaginings of every musician and choir leader across the globe. (It'll be here before you know it!)
So let's look ahead to the fun and significance of this huge festival.
Dunnington Community Choir has always been involved in a number of Christmas events and concerts and this year is no exception. We have at least 3 opportunities to belt out our favourite carols, as well as learn some new, beautiful Christmas songs.
How about making this one of your goals for the rest of the year? Join our choir!
If you aren't sure, here's a list of benefits of singing together:
1. Improves Your Singing Skills Singing in a choir can be a great way to improve your singing skills. Whether or not you’ve taken singing lessons in the past, being a part of a choir can help you to learn proper vocal techniques and improve your overall tone. When you sing in a choir, you are surrounded by other singers who are also working to improve their own singing skills. You’ll be able to ask questions of the other choir members and be in an environment of constant learning. Additionally, singing in a choir can help you to develop a better sense of pitch and rhythm.
2. Releases Emotions When you sing in a choir, you are not just singing for the enjoyment of it, you are also releasing your emotions. When you sing with other people, it creates a sense of community and togetherness. You can feel the power of the group singing together and it can be quite emotional.
3. Boosts Your Self-Confidence, Mood, and Overall Well-Being When you sing in a choir, you are surrounded by like-minded people. This can make you feel more connected to others and give you a sense of belonging. Singing with a group can also make you feel more confident and improve your mood. Studies have shown that choir singing can reduce the stress hormone (cortisol) and increase the comforting hormone (oxytocin). Singing in a choir can also be beneficial for your physical health. Singing is a form of exercise, and it has been shown to improve respiratory function and cardiovascular health. It has been recorded that patients with heart disease who sang for 14-minute sessions were able to improve their vascular health and lower the risk of other cardiovascular diseases. Overall, choir singing provides so many benefits for the mind, body, and soul. If you are looking for a way to improve your well-being, consider joining a choir. You may just find yourself feeling happier and healthier as a result.
4. Meet New Friends and Expand Your Social Circles Many people join choirs for the love of singing, but they may not be aware of all the other benefits that come with being a part of this type of group. One benefit is that it can help people to meet new friends and expand their social circles. People can get to know each other better while they are singing together and this can lead to lasting friendships. Additionally, you’ll be able to meet new people that you may not have been introduced to by staying in your other social circles. This is because choir members come from all walks of life and have different backgrounds. So, by joining a choir, people can gain exposure to new cultures and lifestyles. Ultimately, this can help you to become a more well-rounded individual. 5. Creative Way to Spend Time With Friends or Family When you join a choir, you get to spend time with friends or family in a fun and creative way. Although choir singing is a great way to socialize and make friends, it's also a great way to bond with existing friends and family members. So if you’ve got musical family or friends, consider going out once or twice a week and singing in a choir together. Who knows, it might even strengthen your relationship.
6. Develops Teamwork Skills When you sing in a choir, you are working with other people to create a sound that is beautiful and harmonious. This teaches you the importance of teamwork and cooperation. In order to create a successful choir, everyone needs to work together, listen to each other, and build each other’s voices up. Choral singing also helps to develop communication skills. In order to sing in harmony, you need to be able to listen to others and communicate clearly. This is a skill that can be used in other parts of your life, both professionally and personally.
7. It’s Just Plain Fun! Singing in a choir is such fun! When you sing in a choir, you’re surrounded by other like-minded people who love to sing and encourage one other. This creates a strong bond with the people around you and can help take your mind off of the stresses of everyday life - and we all have a few of those!
Not only is choir singing fun and rewarding, but it’s also a great way to improve your vocal skills.
Have I convinced you yet?
Dunnington Community Choir are ACTIVELY looking for new members. We have been bringing sweet sounds to York since 2002 when we officially formed on the back of a hugely successful Community Singing event to celebrate HM Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee.
We sing publicly a number of times a year, most notably at the York Community Choir Festival, held annually in March and again at a number of Christmas events. We have sung concerts throughout the year for fundraising events, in collaboration with other choirs and to showcase our own work. During Lockdown we kept going and learnt some technical skills in order to present and appreciate our efforts together. Here is a link to our Lockdown playlist: Performance - YouTube
We meet every Monday evening during term time in the Dunnington Reading Rooms.

We start at 7.30p.m. and finish by 9p.m.
Membership fees are £12.00 per month which can be paid by monthly standing order or as an annual lump sum of £144.00
The Reading Rooms are marked on the map where the library is. Very centrally located in the village.
We'd love to see you there!
Feel free to pop along to our first get-together on Monday 4th September or alternatively, please make contact with Vanessa Lee (Musical Director) at dunningtonchoir@outlook.com or via this website's contact page.
You can also find us on Facebook and can send us a message there too.
We are so looking forward to welcoming you to our lovely choir!